Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Tiny to Titan

Universe is a weird place to live in. It sure is pretty interesting and fascinating, duh ! But weird, nonetheless. What's ever more weirder are the questions we ask about it. Isn’t it weird when someone says they don’t believe in miracles?

For god’s sake, you live on a blue planet that is mostly covered with water which revolves around a hot ball of fire and then there is a moon that causes the ocean waves to go up and all the way down and you say you don’t believe in miracles?! Damn, you!
Be it a boon or bane but we, humans, have the ability to think and act and most importantly, question everything- yeah, literally everything. We want to know why the planets revolve the way they do. We want to know why we are the only evolved species and why we’re the only species that has the ability to think rationally.

So I thought I’d let you people know how there is, what there is , out there. So buckle up, we are going to have a small race against time now.

The world we live in today is much different from what it used to be billions of years ago. Millions of years ago all the planets, stars, galaxies, Nebula are used to be much closer to each other than they are now. That compactness – everything being close to each other- caused so much heat. So many billions years ago, earth was nothing but just a hot ball filled with gases and rocks. Life wasn’t possible on earth then. But as the centuries passed, it cooled down. The cooling down process went on for many more centuries. When the earth cooled enough, the fundamental and atomic particles started to fuse, thus forming life on the planet.

But being humans, knowing just about the life on earth wasn’t enough. So we asked, how did the earth come into existence in the first place?

Well to answer that, we need to dig in a little deeper. Universe as we know it is forever expanding at an increasing rate. That suggests, we’re closer to other objects now than we’ll ever be after 10 years. This very thought gave birth to a number of scientific theories. One such widely used and  highly accepted theory is “The Big Bang” theory.

If the universe is expanding at an increasing rate, then after some billion years , all the cosmos will be infinitely far away from each other. Think of it this way, if you marked two dots on an elastic band and started stretching it, the points that were 1cm apart are now 2cms apart and points that were 10cms apart are now 20. This means the further away you are from a galaxy the further away you’ll get as the time passes.

Now, let’s reverse engineer this and turn the time backwards. Yesterday we were more closer to the neighbor galaxy than we are today. Day before yesterday we were even more closer to the same than we were yesterday. If we turn back time to when it was zero, this stops- just like the damn you give about your girlfriend’s interests after certain time stop, the compression stops, the time itself stops- because by that time, we would’ve pulled the boundaries of the universe too close, it would become infinitely dense to squeeze it  any further. This was the point where the universe was nothing but just a dot- infinitely dense and a tremendously hot dot. All the planets, stars, cosmos, celestial objects, everything that we know of were present in that very dot , squeezed and held against each other.
This time wrap happened about 14 billion years ago ( 13.82 billion years to be more precise).This exact point was  where time and space didn’t have any meaning because there was no such thing as time nor there was anything called as space.

The heat was so tremendous it caused the dot to burst and expand. Everything lashed out of it even before the clock finished one click. This sudden expansion of space is called ‘The Big Bang’ and this was the point where time itself has begun along with the space. The Big bang was not the explosion of space, it was rather the expansion of space itself.

It is believed that the Big bang is what caused the universe to burst into existence. This means that the Universe is expanding into itself. There is no such thing as outside the universe. The universe is all there is.

But if someone asked me where that dot existed in the first place for the expansion to even happen if the space itself began after the big bang, well that’s something we don’t know, yet.

However, modern theories suggest that there might exist multiverse of universes out there- still a hypothesis, there is no evident proof.
Does that mean only universe is not the only universe? Does that mean there are parallel universes? How do we know there are other universes if we haven’t even completely explored our own universe? What actually caused the universe to expand? How did a universe come out of nothing?

These are the questions that are giving many scientists and physicists sleepless nights. But one thing, however, is true that we have come a long way from thinking that earth is nothing but just a flat land to developing telescopes and sending extravagant spacecrafts into the outer space. We all want to know the answers and that very spark to know it all will get us there one day, hopefully. But one thing is certain. The answers to all these questions are going to be very bizarre and they may even seem preposterous. We know we want it to happen that way. Moreover, what’s the fun to end the movie without the big twist ??

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